Min and Mina crochet pattern

Min and Mina crochet pattern

Free Min and Mina crochet pattern

Hello everyone, today I will share with everyone the Min and Mina crochet pattern. I collected this crochet pattern from @Madeby Julie – Crochet.

Finished product: About 12cm


1. Crochet needle 1.8/2/2.2mm

2. 6mm lens

3. Milk cotton wool:

Skin color

• White

• Yellow

• Red

Dark brown


MR – magic ring

ch – chain

st/sts – stitch/stitches

sc – single crochet

dc – double crochet

inc – increase (2 sc in one stitch)

dec – decrease (2 sc together)

hdc – half double crochet

blo – back loop only

flo – front loop only

(..) – repeat the instructions in brackets the given numbers of times

[..] – total numbers of stitches


Head: Skin color

1. MR 7sc [7]

2. 7inc [14]

3. (sc, inc)*7 [21]

4. (2sc, inc)*7 [28]

5. sc, inc, (3sc, inc)*6, 2sc [35]

6. (4sc, inc)*7 [42]

7. 42sc [42]

8. 2sc, inc, (5sc, inc)*6, 3sc [49]

9-16. 49sc [49]

17. (6sc, inc)*7 [56]

18-21. 56sc [56]

22. (5sc, dec)*8 [48]

23. 48sc [48]

24. (4sc, dec)*8 [40]

25. (3sc, dec)*8 [32]

26. (2sc, dec)*8 [24]

27. (sc, dec)*8 [16]

28. BLO: dec, 14sc [15]

29-35. BLO: 15sc [15]

36. 7dec, sc [8]

Wool pin. Leave a long string and tuck it in R29-35 into the head


Arm (2): Skin color

1. MR 6sc [6]

2. (sc, inc)*3 [9]

3. 9sc [9]

4. 2sc, dec, 3sc, dec [7]

5-18. 7sc [7] Wool latch


Legs (2): Skin color

1. 5ch, 2inc, 2sc, [5sc], 2sc, inc [13]

2. inc, 3sc, 5inc, 3sc, inc [20]

3-4. 20sc [20]

5. 6sc, 4dec, 6sc [16]

6. 5sc, 3dec, 5sc [13]

7. 4sc, dec, sc, dec, 4sc [11]

8. 10sc, inc [12]

9-14. 12sc [12]

15. BLO: 12sc [12]

16-21. 12sc [12]

One leg of wool peg. An additional 3ch pin to connect the 2 pins


Body: Skin color

1. (Pin 1) 6sc, inc, 5sc, 3sc, (Pin 2) 5sc, inc, 6sc, 3sc [32]

2-6. 32sc [32]

7. BLO: (6sc, dec)*4 [28]

8. 28sc [28]

9. (5sc, dec)*4 [24]

10-17. 24sc [24]

18. (Back) 7sc, (Left) 7sc, (Front) 12sc, (Right) 7sc, (Back) 5sc [38]

19. 6sc, dec, 5sc, dec, 10sc, dec, 5sc, dec, 4sc [34]

20. 5sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 9sc, dec, 4sc, dec, 4sc [30]

21. (3sc, dec )*6 [24]

22. (dec, 2sc)*6 [18]

23. (4sc, dec)*3 [15]

24. (3sc, dec)*3 [12]

25. 10sc, dec [11]

26-32. 11sc [11]

33. 5dec, sc [6] Wool pin


Min’s hair: Dark brown

1. MR, 6sc [6]

2. 6inc [12]

3. (sc, inc)*6 [18]

4. (2sc, inc)*6 [24]

5. sc, inc,(3sc, inc)*5, 2sc [30]


Start crocheting the hair:

1-8. 15ch, back to 2nd hook leg – 14sc, sl

9. 10ch, back to 2nd hook leg – 9sc, sl

10. 13ch, back to 2nd hook leg – 12sc, sl

11. 14ch, back to 2nd hook leg – 13sc, sl

12-14. 16ch, return to 2nd hook leg – 15sc, sl

15-19. 16ch, return to 2nd crochet leg – 15sc, 1 st away, sl

20-23. 16ch, back to 2nd hook leg – 15sc, sl

24. 14ch, back to 2nd hook leg – 13sc, sl

25. 13ch, back to 2nd hook leg – 12sc, sl

26. 10ch, back to 2nd hook leg – 9sc, sl

Cut the thread and stick it on the top of the tape


Mina’s hair: Dark brown

1. MR 6sc [6]

2. 6inc [12]

3. (sc, inc)*6 [18]

4. (2sc, inc)*6 [24]

5. sc, inc, (3sc, inc)*5, 2sc [30]

Start crocheting the hair:

1. 8ch, return to 2nd hook leg – 7sc, sl

2-6. 10ch, return to 2nd hook leg – 9sc, sl

7-9. 36ch, back to 2nd hook leg – 35sc, sl

10-17. 36ch, return to 2nd crochet leg – 35sc, 1 st away, sl

18-20. 36ch, back to 2nd hook leg – 35sc, sl

21. 11ch, back to 2nd hook leg – 10sc, sl

Cut the thread and stick it on the top of the tape


Hat (1): Milky white

1. MR 7sc [7]

2. 7inc [14]

3. (sc, inc)*7 [21]

4. (2sc, inc)*7 [28]

5. sc, inc,(3sc, inc)*6, 2sc [35]

6. (4sc, inc)*7 [42]

7. 2sc, inc, (5sc,inc)*6, 2sc [49]

8. (6sc, inc)*7 [56]

9. 56sc [56]

10. (7sc, inc)*7 [63]

11. 63sc [63]

12. (8sc, inc)*7 [70]

13-17. 70sc [70]

18. (9sc, inc)*7 [77]

19-22. 77sc [77]

Wool pin. Use black thread to decorate the hat


Shoes (2): Red/Dark brown

1. 7ch, return to 2nd hook leg, inc, 4sc, [5sc], 4sc, inc [17]

2. inc, 5sc, 5inc, 5sc, inc [24]

3. 24sc [24]

4. BLO: 24sc [24]

5-7. 24sc [24]

8. 8sc, 4dec, 8sc [20]

9. 7sc, 3dec, 7sc [17]

10-12. 17sc [17]



Shirt: Red/Moon

1. 20ch, loop hook, (4sc, inc)*4 [24]

2. (5sc, inc)*4 [28]

3. 4sc, 4inc, 5sc, inc, 4sc, 4inc, 5sc, inc [38]

4. 4sc, 8hdc, 11sc, 8hdc, 7sc [38]

5. 4sc, 6ch, skip8, 11sc, 6ch, skip8, 7sc [34]

6-15. 34sc [11]

Rows 3,6,9,12,15: Red wool



Overalls: Yellow

1. 18ch, hook loop, 18sc [18]

2. 18sc [18]

3. (5sc, inc)*3 [21]

4-5. 21sc [21]

6. (6sc, inc)*3 [24]

7-9. 24sc [24]

Similarly, add 1 pant leg, connecting 2 pant legs together

10-15.48sc [48]

16. (10sc, dec)*4 [44]

17-18. 44sc [44]

19. (dec, 9sc)*4 [40]

20. 40sc [40]

21. 26sc, 1ch, return, 10sc, 1ch, return, 9sc, 1ch, return, 7sc, inc, 3sc, sc, 25ch, Back crochet 8th – 18sc, skip 1 stitch, 8sc, 25ch, Back crochet 8th – 18sc, skip 1 stitch, 9sc, 3sc

Wool pin. Sew 2 more buttons

Assemble the parts together and you’re done! Wishing you good luck with Min and Mina crochet pattern. Don’t forget to follow our website ngoclanhandmade.com and Youtube channel @ngoclanhandmade regularly to receive free crochet patterns.

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