Mini Ghost crochet pattern

mini ghost crochet pattern

Free mini Ghost crochet pattern

Halloween is coming, have you prepared anything? I love spooky things like this, that’s why I collected this crochet pattern, let’s make this mini ghost crochet pattern.

Start mini ghost crochet pattern:

R1: MR 6sc (6)

R2: 6inc (12)

R3: (sc, inc) x 6 (18)

R4: (2sc, inc) x6 (24)

R5: (3sc, inc) x6 (30)

R6: (4sc, inc) x6 ( 36)

R7 – R14: 36sc (36) (8 rnds)

R15: BLO (4sc, dec) x6 (30)

R16: (3sc, dec) x6 (24)

R17: (2sc, dec) x6 (18)

R18: (sc, dec) x6 (12)

R19: 6dec (6). FO

FLO R15: (sc, inc) x15 (45)

R16 R19: 45sc (45). FO

ghost crochet pattern
Ghost hat crochet pattern

ARMS x 2

R1: MR 5sc (5)

R2 – R3: 5sc (5)

FO and leave a long tail. Attach the arms to body at R10


R1: MR 4sc (4)

R2 – R3: 4sc (4)

R4: 4inc (8)

R5 – R6: 8sc (8)

R7: (sc, inc) x 4 (12)

R8 – R9: 12sc (12)

R10: (2sc, inc) x4 (16)

R11- R12: 16sc (16) Change black thread

R13 – R14: 16sc (16) Change orange thread

R15: FLO 16sc (16)

R16: (sc, inc) x8 (24)

R17 – R18: 24sc (24)

Fasten off.

Wishing you good luck with mini Ghost crochet pattern. Don’t forget to follow our website and Youtube channel @ngoclanhandmade regularly to receive free crochet patterns.

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